Friday, December 17, 2010

Where does it hurt?

EVERYWHERE!!!! So 2 training sessions and cycling this week and I'm hurting all over. I think every muscle group got worked this week. Yesterday my trainer said to me, "Make sure you're engaging your core at all times." I looked at her *insert blank stare* and said "you know I don't have a core!" C'mon let's not be insulting.

But come spring no one will be able to tell me nothing! Now that I've got a workout routine established let's work on our eating habits, shall we?
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Sunday, December 5, 2010


This is just a test. I want to see if blogging from my phone actually works.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Add a little more...

Yesterday, I took my second spinning class *fist pump* at 9:15 am. First of all, it is rare that I am even out of the house this early, forget exercising. And believe it or not, it was a packed house. Every bike taken...thank goodness I got there early.

Again, very hard workout but it was good. And I think it's getting a little easier I suppose now that I know what to expect. My instructor's (who I'm told has man boobs...I didn't notice. Jury's still out) voice is still ringing in my ears "add a little more (resistence)". I kept saying in my head "If he makes me add a little more one more time I'm going to add my finger to his eye." LOL! Then I discovered that he wouldn't know whether or not I added any or not. Sooooo I stopped...Now, I know you're thinking, "She probably didn't add any at all!" LOL! WRONG! I added to my max and just stayed there. The only time I moved it was when it was time to lighten the resistence *fist pump* AND I was able to "jog"! I'm so proud of myself.

I need to take some before pictures so that I can compare them in a few months. This trainer is going to kick my ass. I signed up for a whole year. What was I thinking?!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

In the front...

Yesterday I decided to take another class at my new, fancy gym. It was called "Body Works Plus Abs." It definitely lived up to its name. Weights, squats and lunges are the devil by themselves but with their powers combined? Whewww...anywhoo here's how it went...

I walk in to the class and realize that the only spaces available are in the front. Awesome. My first time in the class and here I am having to be in the front. Wait...let me back up. The group exercise room is made of glass which means people on the street and inside the gym can see you. My first thought was "OMG people will SEE me!" Mortified. AND I gotta be in the front? Awesome. In the end though, I realized it didn't matter and no one was looking at me.

So here we go...on the warm up the instructor made us do some side to side movements. I don't know what it's really called but think the two step. Now, I don't know if you know this about me but I have ABSOLUTELY NO RHYTHM. So here I am in the FRONT of the class and these white women are putting me to shame. I looked in the mirror and saw one lady staring at me (or at least I think she was) and the expression on her face said "A black girl with no rhythm?!" Yes that's me! Would you like an autograph?

Another sweat feast. Good workout I think I'll go back. I just have to get there early enough to get a spot in the middle. And so much for preserving my edges! Note to self: Must get headband.

As I'm walking out of the gym this guy approaches me, asking me about my work out, etc. Side note: They were having an open house so they were trying to sell everyone on their facility. Anyway, long story short I let this man talk me into personal training. Smh...I don't know what came over me. *sigh* Expect to see more blogs about my fitness journey.

*drafts will*

Monday, November 29, 2010

12 Big Steps to the Big Pig Out

There's a bit of a delay on this post but here it goes... Last Tuesday I went to a spinning (cycling) class with one of my co-workers. I don't know if you know anything about spinning but prior to going I had heard horror stories about pain in the hooha/booty region and I thought to myself, "That's the last thing I need!" But I go anyway and here's an account of how it went down.

5:15 pm
Locate spinning room. Find bike. Get set up on said bike.

Everyone in the class is pedaling, so I being the new kid on the block followed suit but then I realized the class hasn't started yet. So I ask my co-worker "Why are we pedaling?" And she tells me that it's to get your legs warmed up blah blah blah but then I asked "Isn't there a warm up portion during the class?" She confirmed that there was so I stopped pedaling. Why should I exert MORE energy prior to the class starting?

Alright here we go...the warm up. Now, for this class the instructor designed 12 steps for our workout, each lasting 30 seconds. So for the warm up we were to do steps 1-3 and I was like okay I can do this. But by Step 2 I was sweating...HARD. And this was JUST the warm up. Not to mention this class is an hour long. Mmhmm sure...

By far the hardest workout of my life! Especially the step called "jog to run." You have to stand up on the pedals and jog and then run. Nope not gonna happen. So while everyone is jogging and running I am sitting. Looking at these people sweat and turn red and look miserable. I just couldn't do it. I could do all (a.k.a most) of the other steps albeit at my own pace but there will be no standing and pedaling. No no no.

So the class is over and I'm sweating in places I didn't even know had sweat glands. Hear me when I say, I was soaked down to my SOCKS. Normally, my feet don't sweat but oh boy spinning was a horse of a different color. On top of all of that my ponytail got wet. I just got my hair done on Saturday. Luckily there was a hair appointment the next day. My mother tells facebook that I was not cute when I got home. Thanks, Mom.

Lessons learned/confirmed:
1. Only go to spinning class the day before the hair appointment.
2. Wear a may help with the edges.
3. Wear full coverage undies
4. Ponytail must be high on the head or tucked under because it will get wet.

Until next time...

Friday, November 5, 2010

Do over!!!

Now that I'm 2 months or so into being 25 I'm realizing that it's not AS bad as I thought it would be. Shocking! Sure, my feeling of lacking purpose hasn't subsided but all in all it's really not the life shattering event I thought it was going to be. Not to mention I was too caught up in the "What ifs" to really even enjoy my birthday. I kept thinking I haven't done this, that or the other things I thought I woulda done by now.

But if I could do it all over again I would:
1. Be grateful...some people didn't make it to 25
2. Enjoy the "compliments" from people who didn't believe I was turning 25 instead of getting mad.
3. Realize that life is toooooo short to worry about all the what ifs. Here and now is what really counts.

With age comes wisdom, right? Here's to many more birthdays to come!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Lacking purpose

Yesterday, as I finished yet another book while getting paid to do so, I asked (more like scolded) myself "What are you doing?" As I looked up and stared into space, at my inner self I suppose, tears stung my eyes and I realized that this is no way to live. I should not be able to get paid to Facebook, Gchat and tweet all day. I know some of you may say, "That sounds awesome." And it was. But now it's annoyingly devastating. I dread going to work every day. Even though I get to travel the country and see all these difference places it no longer matters. The thrill is gone. I'm merely exisiting in this place, this rut that I've found myself in. Complacency has captured me and taken me hostage.

You ever get the feeling that your time and talent are being wasted? Like your current situation sucks so bad that you can't see a way around it? Well, I'm there. Then, today I was reading the September issue of Real Simple and they interviewed five successful people and one of them said "do something you're passionate about" or something like that. And then it hit me, I'm not passionate about what I'm doing professionally and a part of me wonders if I ever was. On the one hand I think "welcome to the rest of your life" but a large part of me wants, needs, deserves more. It's not healthy to wake up each day without a purpose. I go into work, usually late these days, sit at my desk and think about who I can text to pass the time. What should I tweet next? What should my next Facebook status be? That's no way to live! Frankly, I'm wasting my time and my employers money.

I know I should be thankful to have a job and the ability to pay my bills and I am but at what cost? It's not healthy to wake up each day and have to fight myself each step of the way (from the bed to the shower, from the shower to the closet to pick out an outfit that hopefully matches, bedroom to the car and then convince myself to actually get out of the car and into the office building). Unless you're not convinced already I'm telling you this is no way to live. There's so many things I want to do and there's no reason I shouldn't chase my dreams. I can't keep leaning on my fear of student loan debt. I've already got $70K what's a few thousand more? I want to write a book. I want to go to law school. So today I've decided that enough is enough. Upon my return from Spokane, WA (right, another trip in the middle of nowhere), I'm going to start studying for the LSAT. It's always been my dream to go to law school and I've let my financial and professional situation shadow that dream. All I want is to wake up each day and feel like I have a purpose. Like I'm passionate about...something, anything.

*chuckling to myself* I revealed (told on myself) a lot in this one blog. 3 days before my 25th birthday and this is where I find myself. *shrug* Que sera sera, friends.

And as always, thanks for reading.